Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tis The Season(:

I hope everyone's holiday season was as good as mine!! I love the Christmas season! I loved being home for Christmas and spending time with my family and friends! It was especially great to be with my family. We were able to be together Christmas Morning, we ate breakfast and opened all of our gift together! My favorite part is seeing my nieces and nephew open all their present and they would get so excited! My parents, brother and I also went and saw my Grandma and Grandpa Field, and My Grandpa Broderick. It was great seeing all of my family(: So Christmas was a success at the Broderick house, we all had a great holiday!!
I babysat Kennadee and Ryker a few days before Christmas!! They are coloring pictures for Benny. Kennadee wrote Ben a letter saying "Ben, I hope you have a Merry Christmas Love- Kennadee" She wrote it all by herself she needed a little help on Merry Christmas though. It is crazy to me how big she has gotten!!

For Christmas I sent Benny the 12 days of Christmas! So he had a gift everyday to open for 12 days!! I sent him lots of treat and little dorky missionary gift!! For Christmas Day he had letter from all of his good buddies and I to read, and pictures from Kenn and Ryker. I Hope he liked it (:

Speaking of Benny.. I will just say I have thee CUTEST Missionary (: I am very lucky! Before he left on his mission me and him went Christmas shopping for his whole family. He left me with the presents to do the wrapping and giving them to his Family! On Christmas I hurried and dropped the presents off to him family! It was great to see them too! I love his family!! I wasnt quite sure if benny did the same thing for me but I didn't really mind as long as a got a Christmas letter I was content.. Well Thursday before Christmas, Preston one of our best friends came over and gave me a present.. I was SO SO happy it was a Price Jersey! I have been wanting one way way bad, for a very long time!! My brother Jax was actually looking for one for me for Christmas but he couldn't find one anywhere it worked out perfect (: His mom also came by with a present for me to open on Christmas day, he also got me a bracelet and a picture holder with a B on it. It iss really cute if you can tell I am wearing the bracelet in the picture too!! I feel so lucky!! He is so awesome, and he is such an awesome missionary too! He has only been out 6 week and has grown SO much, and is working so hard!! He is such a great example to me and our friends!!
This is my adorable Mommy and I. These are our matching Christmas Jammies. This picture was sort of a joke cause I am so tall and She is so short so we were messing around! (: I love this lady, she is an awesome mom and best friend to me!!
Baby B and the present the size of him!! I think this picture is adorable He is so cute!! Pretty sure he liked destroying the wrapping paper more than all of his presents!
Halle and Grandpa!! Isn't she adorable?? Yup she is, I love this little one!! I am just in love with her little structure and cute voice!! Of course I love my dad too he is pretty awesome himself!!

Well Happy Holidays everyone!! (:


Tailored By Taylor said...

i love you and ben. seriously! so so so cute (: i hope it's gotten better. it sucks having them gone, but it will be worth it! love you girl! happy new year!

Lo said...

You are the cutest ever, Jacqueline. Seriously though...